Mile 229.9
Elevation 4,766
Miles Hiked 19.8
I really didn’t like sitting around at Icewater Spring Shelter, so with the knee rested and the ankle swelling down a bit, I took off for Tri-Corner Knob Shelter. The hike was fairly easy and I arrived at 2 PM. I didn’t feel like stopping even though I had hiked 12 miles already, so I decided to continue to Cosby Knob Shelter. I arrived at 6 PM with a total hike of 19.8 miles. A new record!
There was a Ridge Runner at the shelter and she wouldn’t let any late arrivals into the shelter until 7:30 PM. Supposedly some hikers with reservations were coming, but they never showed. Regardless, I and a few other late arrivals didn’t get space in the shelter, so I pitched a tent. I got a really good night’s sleep without all the noise from 11 other hikers so it worked out well.