Tony's Hiking Adventure

Gooch Mountain Shelter

Gooch Mountain Shelter

Mile 15.8
Elevation 2,789 feet

It was 7.7 miles to this shelter.  Second day and it was a rough one. We walked up and then down two mountains.  We’re at the campsite for the night and it is jam packed.  No room in the shelter of course.  I had to pitch my tent on an incline, so I’ll be sliding down all night while trying to sleep.  This should be interesting.

Would you believe you have to hang your food in a tree so bears don’t get it and you?  I’m glad I’m with Bobby.  It sure helps to soak up some of the experience he has.  So, I went to hang our food on the provided bear cables strung up between two trees.  There was no room on the hooks, so instead I heaved a line over the cable, attached our food bags and hauled them off the ground.  That should do it.  I’ll try to take a picture in the morning. Right now, tents up and sleeping bag is looking mighty inviting.

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