Tony's Hiking Adventure

Hawk Mountain Campsite

Hawk Mountain Campsite
My Tent at Hawk Mountain Campsite - First Night on the Trail

Mile 7.4 
Elevation 3,220 feet

Well, day one is finished and we hiked about 9 miles today. We had to walk about a mile from the shuttle drop off point up to the Springer Mountain plaque and then walk back the same way we came.  The hike went from an elevation of 3,782 feet down to a low of 2,530 feet and back up to the elevation of the campsite.  Despite the up and down and a full pack, I’m feeling pretty good.  Having the foresight to get a knee brace I’m sure contributed to my health on the first day. Tomorrow will be about the same distance.

As you can tell, it was cold in the morning but it warmed up later.

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