Tony's Hiking Adventure

Long Branch Shelter

Long Branch Shelter

Mile 102.5
Elevation 4,479
Miles Hiked 8.6

Finally made it 100 miles today. I stayed at Long Branch Shelter for the night. Not much else going on but I did take more pictures.  The pictures show how narrow the trail is and how steep the drop off is if you should fall.  

In the following photos, the two pictures of boulders are kind of hard to get the correct perspective.  Suffice it to say that this was a steep climb on boulders where the footholds were few.  Bearpen gap preceded this climb. It was almost straight up and was the most dangerous climb yet. Most of it was over the slippery boulders you see in the pictures.  At times I was pulling myself up with my hands.  Not too easy when you have almost 40 pounds in your backpack.  The climb was worth it though, because there were some pretty spectacular views once I got up there.

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