Tony's Hiking Adventure

Whitley Gap Shelter

Whitley Gap Shelter

Mile 38.4
Elevation 3,625

I hiked 6.7 miles plus another 1.2 miles to the shelter.  Thursday is another interesting day. I called Bobby to see how he is doing after he didn’t answer any of my text messages.  He told me he has decided to stay at the hotel another day.  That means that is the end of our partnership since I intend to keep on going.  Then my current hiking partner, Sarah, decided to spend another day at the hotel.  She had been complaining about her back hurting due to the heavy backpack. Unfortunately, that’s hiking partner two down. Then I linked up with the young guy who stayed with us last night, but he bowed out after five miles and went back to the motel where Sarah remains. I’m beginning to think I’m jinxed. So now I’m on my own; although Sarah is going to try to catch up with me later.

Because the shelter was so far off the trail, only myself and a young woman were at the shelter.  I wonder if that spooked her.  Anyway, we talked and if she was spooked, I’m sure she felt more at ease as time went on.  Tonight it rained and was very cold – just another day on the AT.

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