Mile 20.8
Elevation 3,198 Feet
I learned a valuable lesson this morning. Our food bags hung on the bear cable at Gooch Mountain Shelter were sitting on the ground when I went to retrieve them this morning. So many people hung their food on the cable that it broke and all the food came tumbling down. Next time I’ll find a tree when there are that many hikers at a shelter.
We hiked to Woody Gap and Bobby wanted to get off the trail for a night and stay at a hostel. We also decided to do some wash. So we got a ride at the gap and rode into the Wolfpen Gap Country Store and Hostel. The store was nice in that it had stuff to eat and a washer and drier. We ate first and then got settled in our bunks. There were no linens and quite frankly, the place was kind of dirty, but it would be a warm place to sleep. Bobby and I put out our sleeping pads and sleeping bags and then headed for the washing machine.
While here at the hostel we met a really nice couple in their mid to late thirties who were hiking together and also a young woman, Sarah, and her dog Carter.
Following is a short video I made on the trail earlier in the day.