Tony's Hiking Adventure

Abingdon Gap Shelter

Abingdon Gap Shelter

Mile 458.6 
Elevation 3,773 
Miles Hiked 16.0

This hike had a bunch of small ups and downs, which made the going slow. My hiking partners got a little ahead of me but not much. Over the last two days, I’ve eaten my big meal during lunch time to add energy and cut down needed activity at the end of the day. Part of the hike went through a cow pasture. It was weird walking past the cows not more than a few feet away.

Cow Pasture

This day I arrived at the shelter around 5:30 PM, which is pretty good time. Cub, a young woman, joined us at the shelter. She’s a Canadian who went to Dartmouth to play hockey. Yeah, I was surprised, too. She liked my trail name, Slapshot.

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