Tony's Hiking Adventure

Trimpi Shelter

Trimpi Shelter

Mile 522.4 
Elevation 2,907 
Miles Hiked 13.4

It was an uneventful day hiking. I arrived at the shelter at 4:30 PM and was alone. That changed quickly as a couple of woman arrived and pitched a tent. Then three SOBO (southbound) thru-hikers arrived and decided to stay in the shelter. It will be a full house tonight.

The thru-hikers were interesting. Although they had been hiking together for months, all they talked about was hiking. And their speech patterns…

It was like watching an episode of Beavis and Butthead.

Following are some pictures taken in Great Smokey National Park by Joe Leone.  Joe is a former business associate from when I worked (retired now) and he is also a Facebook friend.  I’m not a very good photographer and that becomes glaringly obvious when you look at Joe’s pictures, which were taken while he was in the Smokies.  I saw them this morning and thought I would include them in my blog.  Enjoy.

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