Tony's Hiking Adventure

Big Walker Motel, Bland, VA

Big Walker Motel

Mile 589.9
Elevation 2,905
Miles Hiked 11.1

Jukebox and I left Jenkins Shelter at 8:15.  It was raining but not too hard.  The goal was to get to the town of Bland, VA and dry off while splurging on a night in a motel

The trail wasn’t bad at all; although there were a couple of fairly steep ascents.  Hopefully, this signals the arrival of my trail legs.  The rain stopped after a few hours, which made the going much easier.

I arrived at the trailhead at 1:30 and immediately talked to a guy in a truck.  He was giving a woman a ride to a hostel and said he could take me to the Big Walker Motel.

Jukebox was in town but not at the motel yet, so I checked in and pulled all my gear out of my backpack, so it would dry.  It’s a nice room and it will be good to relax and get some sleep.


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