Mile 694.5
Elevation 1,522
Miles Hiked 21.3
Miles hiked today was an all time high. I started at 7:10 AM and finished at 8:30 PM. I was trying to catch up with Creak and did catch him in the early evening. The hike today included two steep climbs – one 1,500 feet and the other 1,200 feet.
Along the way, I passed the Keffer Oak and the Audie Murphy monument. There was room for camping at the oak tree, so I guessed that Creak camped there for the night.
Audie Murphy was the most decorated soldier during World War II. Apparently, he was a passenger in a private plane when it crashed into the mountain side during a bad storm; thus the location of the monument.
For the most part the day was uneventful – just a lot of hiking in 80 degree weather. I finished the day just as night fell. I got my tent up at Trout Creek along with Creak and a few others and immediately went to sleep. Tomorrow morning will come soon enough.