Tony's Hiking Adventure

Wapiti Shelter

Wapiti Shelter

Mile 616.5
Elevation 2628
Miles Hiked 14.5

It wasn’t mentioned in yesterday’s blog, but I  passed the 600 overall mile mark yesterday.  Today’s hike was the longest yet during this section hike.

I left the last shelter at 8:00 AM.  The terrain was conducive to maintaining a fast pace, and I was able to make good time.  There were many creeks and streams along the trail, which tended to flow onto the trail making the going wet and muddy, too.

I arrived at the Wapiti Shelter at 3:00 PM.  That means I maintained better than a 2 MPH pace.  It would be nice if I could maintain that pace throughout the hike.

An eclectic group of hikers eventually joined me at the shelter.  Fireplug, retired fireman, was good for some funny stories of other hikers he met on the trail. Sunshine, an older woman, was on her second hiking attempt after blowing out her knee in a previous year, and as usual, I was the oldest hiker there.  Several more hikers drifted in as the day drew to an end.

After dinner at the shelter, it started raining.  It’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow, so we’ll see.

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