Tony's Hiking Adventure

Eckville Shelter

Echville Shelter

Mile 1,232.0
Elevation 692 feet 
Miles Hiked 14.8

I left the Microtel Motel late, 10:45 AM.  I had intended to only go about 5 miles to the next shelter, but I changed my mind and decided to go for the shelter after that.  The night time temperatures were supposed to be in the mid-40’s, and the Eckville shelter, though unheated, was enclosed.

Yes, the weather has moderated.  Night time temperatures are now in the 40’s and 50’s while daytime temperatures are in the 60’s and low 70’s.  I’m not a fan of the night time temperatures but love the daytime temperatures.

The hike started out with a 900 foot elevation gain and then there were a few more steep ups and downs after that, but all in all, the trail wasn’t too bad.  In fact there were long stretches where the rocks were nothing more than gravel. 

Pulpit Rock

I made really good time and reached the shelter just before dark at 6:45.  No one was there, which surprised me.  Later, two hikers did walk in after dark.  Big Boss (male) and Mumbles (female) had hiked 25 miles SOBO from Palmerton.  They were interesting to talk with.  They related a story of how they ran out of water at Lehigh Gap when the temperatures were in the 90’s and suffered severe dehydration.  Not a good thing!

No more hikers arrived after Big Boss and Mumbles, so it was a quiet night 

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