Tony's Hiking Adventure

Microtel Motel, Hamburg, PA

Microtel Motel

Mile 1,217.2
Elevation 430.0 feet 
Miles Hiked 8.4

Up at 6:00 AM for breakfast and then off to Hamburg for a night in a motel.  I’ll wash my clothes, take a shower and get a good night’s sleep.  Before I get underway, Russian Jumper tells me he has no way to filter water, so I lend him my filter while I pack.

The rocks in the trail are still there, and I stumble down the trail toward Hamburg.  I’m still passing SOBO hikers, which is very surprising.  The trail only has two steep climbs and is mostly flat.  Finally, at 1:00 PM I walk into Port Clinton.  Once in town, I call the motel for a reservation and get the name of a driver to pick me up.  The motel is more than two miles off the trail, and I’m not walking it.

There is a resupply package at the post office and it immediately becomes apparent my planning could have been better.  The post office is a mile and a half from the motel.  Ugh!  So I walk there and back in about 45 minutes.  Then it’s time to clean gear and get ready for tomorrow. 

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