Tony's Hiking Adventure

Brink Shelter

Brink Shelter

Mile 1,319.5
Elevation 1,106 feet 
Miles Hiked 11.3

Up at 6:00 AM and on the way by 7:45, I was hoping for an easier day.  While my goal mileage was low, the terrain was still difficult.  The rocks are ever present and becoming more difficult to walk across.  

As the day wore on, I could tell something is wrong with my right toe. I lost that nail in both 2016 and 2017.  The nail had finally grown back early this month, so I was not happy at the prospect that I might lose it again.

Again, there were lots of rocks.  The one standout part of the hike was climbing hand over hand up a vertical rock wall.  That was fun (yes I’m being sarcastic).

Later in the day, it became obvious there is a problem with my right foot.  Also, my right knee wasn’t doing too good.  The rocks were forcing my feet and knee into angles they are not supposed to be in.

I arrived at the shelter at 3:30 PM.  After setting up in the shelter, I took my boots off.  The right big toe nail is gone, again, and the left big toe nail is not looking good.  That will be a first if I lose the left nail. 

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