Tony's Hiking Adventure

Church of the Mountain Hiker, Delaware Water Gap

Church of the Mountain Hiker

Mile 1,294.7
Elevation 1,106 feet 
Miles Hiked 15.5

My day started at 3:00 AM.  The Allegiant flight to Allentown was to leave at 6:30 and surprisingly it did.  I had arranged with John Stempa to shuttle me to the Wind Gap trailhead, which is where I left off last year.

This is still Pennsylvania and the rocks were waiting for me.  The plan is to go just over 15 miles to Church of the Mountain Hiker hostel.  Considering I haven’t done any hiking since last November, I was moving pretty good.  It was a dreary day and started raining several hours into my hike.  The rain wasn’t really a problem until I hit Wolf Rocks.  Going over those rocks in the rain was not my favorite part of the hike.

I started the day hiking at 11:00 AM and walked into the hostel at 8:00 PM.  It was crowded.  All eight bunks were taken, some guys were sleeping on the couches and the rest were on the floor.  I actually got a bunk when one of the hikers decided he wanted to sleep somewhere else.  Just lucky I guess. 

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