Tony's Hiking Adventure

Wawayanda Shelter

Wawayanda Shelter

Mile 1,363.0 
Elevation 1,194 feet 
Miles Hiked 12.4 

Griz and Furnace left the shelter before me, and I took off about 7:30 AM.  The plan was to meet at a hot dog stand down the trail.  Eight miles into the hike, I reached a long, steep climb called “stairway to heaven.”  There were many day hikers out, and it was like trying to move down an interstate highway in a city during rush hour.  What a mess!

Once I finally got past the climb, the day hikers were gone and I picked up speed.  The terrain was flattening out as I reached the highway where the hot dog stand is located.  Just before it, there is a long boardwalk over swampy wetlands.  As I approached the boardwalk, I planted my trekking pole in six inches of mud, my right foot slid out from under me and down I went.  Unfortunately, the trekking pole stayed in place with me still firmly gripping it and bent six inches from its bottom – freaking great.

I missed Griz and Furnace and found out later it was only by 10 minutes.  Nevertheless, I had a couple of hot dogs and contemplated the use of my newly designed trekking pole.

I finished the day’s hike about 4 PM and spent the night alone in the shelter.  Everyone else setup tents. 

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