Tony's Hiking Adventure

Big Branch Shelter

Big Branch Shelter

Mile 1,668.3
Elevation 1,496.0 feet
Miles Hiked 16.5

Jeff from Green Mountain House Hostel dropped several hikers including myself at the trailhead at 8:15 AM.  I was hoping to do 20 miles to a really nice shelter on a pond.

The day had its climbs and descents, but all in all, the trail wasn’t too bad.  With a zero day behind me, I made good time.  Then I screwed up.  I missed a sign telling me the trail was turning.  I kept hiking on what I learned a half hour later was a side trail.  When I figured it out, I had to hike back.  The total distance lost was about three miles.  Due to the error I had to stop one shelter short of my goal.

I arrived at the Big Branch Shelter at 7:00 PM.  It was a long day so I went to sleep right after dinner. 

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