Tony's Hiking Adventure

Catamount Motel, Bennington, VT

Mile 1,611.7
Elevation 679.0 feet
Miles Hiked 11.5

It rained several different times last night.  Fortunately, I was in the shelter.  However,  my clothes were still wet from sweat and rain when I was hiking and by morning they had not dried.  Additionally, I have come down with a cold – BUMMER!  So I had two choices for the day.  Go to the next shelter or head for a motel in Bennington. 

I began hiking by 7:00 AM after putting on my wet clothes. The trail was wet and muddy, which made my decision on where to spend the night easier.  Within a couple of hours, I was covered in mud and in sore need of a shower.

The Catamount Motel is a hiker friendly place.  They picked me up at the trailhead and I checked in.  The room is clean and fresh.  I dumped all my muddy clothes in my laundry bag to be washed and then took a shower.  Later I ate at an Italian restaurant in town.

If I don’t feel better tomorrow, I may take a zero day. 

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