Tony's Hiking Adventure

North Mt Wilcox Shelter

North Mt Wilcox Shelter

Mile 1,535.2
Elevation 1,952 feet
Miles Hiked 13.5

I left the Travelodge with another hiker, Miss B, and her dog, Rio.  Miss B arranged a shuttle to the trailhead with a trail angel by the name of Joe.  Joe dropped us off at 10:00 AM and we headed off to a pasture hike first thing. 

The most interesting part of the hike was going around a fairly large pond named Benedict Pond.  Having started late, Miss B and I arrived at the shelter by 6:30 PM.  

Benedict Pond

2 responses to “North Mt Wilcox Shelter”

  1. Barbara S Kenny says:

    Ahhh it is wonderful to see you documented all of this! And so happy that Rio and I made it into your blog! Keep hiking 🙂 –Miss B

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