Tony's Hiking Adventure

Riga Shelter

Riga Shelter

Mile 1,504.1
Elevation 1,667 feet
Miles Hiked 13.4

Up and on my way by 8:00 AM.   The trail was easy and led to Falls Village, CT.  I headed that way for a big breakfast and then hung out on their porch for an hour drinking tea.

Toymakers Cafe in Falls Village

I left Falls Village at 11:00 AM and got back on the trail for the first of three steep climbs one of which was a 1,000 feet.  In the late afternoon I passed the 1,500 mile mark.  That leaves less than 700 miles of the trail as one hikes northbound. 

Reviews of this shelter indicated the possibility of the water source being dry, so I got two liters of water one and one-half miles before the shelter.  Then I came up one if those hand over hand climbs and very steep ascents.  The extra water I was carrying really made it difficult.  Imagine my frustration when I reached the shelter only to discover the water was flowing freely. 

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