Tony's Hiking Adventure

Stealth Camp

Mile 1,398.2
Elevation 1,224 feet 
Miles Hiked 13.2

Tuxedo Motel was hosting a movie shoot today, so I had to clear out by 8:00 AM.  I tried to get a taxi and then an Uber to drive me back the two miles to the trailhead, but they both wanted $20. I started walking.  Hitchhiking is illegal in New York, but I stuck my thumb out anyway and got a ride.

The first part of the hike was another straight up affair – and I do mean straight up.  Then I came to the “lemon squeeze.”  This is a very narrow passage among large boulders on the trail.   You have to take off your backpack to get through.  I took mine off and carried it chest high as I moved between the rocks.  Finally, on the left was a ledge. I hoisted the backpack over my head and placed it on the ledge, and then I moved forward to clear the boulders. 

I was feeling pretty proud of myself until I looked ahead.  Now I had to climb up a rock ledge and there was no way I could do it with my backpack on.  I took it off again and dug through the contents for paracord.  The only way I was going to get up the ledge was climb it without my backpack and then drag the backpack up with the paracord.  I successfully completed the maneuver, put the backpack on and was on my way again.

The rest of the day was uneventful until I came upon a deer chewing on a tree.  He didn’t budge an inch as I moved past him with about 10 feet between us.

Deer eating

The end of the day I was supposed to stop at a shelter, but it was one-half mile off the trail.  Instead I decided to stealth camp just off the trail.  There’s nowhere to hang my food bags, so they’re in my tent, which is risky, but I don’t have a choice. 


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