Tony's Hiking Adventure

Guyot Shelter

Guyot Shelter

Mile 1,833.6 
Elevation 4,180.0 feet 
Miles Hiked 5.6 

There is a risk of rain today, so I tried to get going early.  I left at 6:50 AM and headed for one of the harder descents.  The trail went down a running stream making the rocks wet and dangerous.  I descended even slower than normal until I cleared the stream.

Once I reach the bottom of the descent, the trail was easier with fewer rocks.  Then the climb of 1,500 feet to 4,900 feet began.  Of course, it was all rocks again, which is the new norm now. 

Trail to Guyot Shelter

About a quarter of the way up, I stopped in at the Galehead Hut.  They didn’t have any free left over breakfast, so I bought a pastry and tea and relaxed awhile. 

I was really reluctant to go to the Guyot Shelter, because it is .8 mile off the trail.  However, the next shelter is nine miles away, and without information on the trail condition, I didn’t want to take a chance and arrive at the shelter after dark.

So here I am at the Guyot shelter in my tent.  It’s overrun with kids, crowded and noisy.  There is a shelter, but I elected not to stay in it.  Another mistake.  It’s going to be a long night. 


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