Tony's Hiking Adventure

Hexacuba Shelter

Hexacuba Shelter

Mile 1,777.4
Elevation 2,205.0 feet
Miles Hiked 12.0

I decided to split from hiking with Riz.  He wanted to do more miles than I do, so he left earlier than me.  I left at 7:30 AM.

Smarts Mountain was the first part of the hike.  It was a 2,400 foot climb.  My body has still not recovered fully from the miles done in the previous day’s hike plus the temperatures were still in the 90’s, so it was slow going. 

I ran out of water after climbing the mountain, and it was two hours before I could get more.  This was not a good situation in the high temperatures.

After finally getting water, I got a couple of liters extra to take to the shelter.  This shelter is hexagonal in shape, which makes it unique on the trail.  There are two young women and another man here, so there will be plenty of room in the shelter tonight. 

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