Tony's Hiking Adventure

Sixth South Street Hotel, Hanover, NH

Sixth South Street Hotel

Mile 1,748.70
Elevation 525.0 feet
Miles Hiked 9.7

Riz and I left the Barn about 6:00 AM and headed for Hanover.  The trail was up and down but we made good time and arrived in Norwich, VT just before 1:00 PM.  We headed to a store for food and drinks.

While at the store, Jelly caught up with us.  He was not happy about the missed meeting at Thistle Shelter.  Eventually Jelly decided to stay at a hotel next to the store, so Riz and I headed for Hanover.  We crossed the Connecticut River and entered the state of New Hampshire.

Vermont/New Hampshire Border

Riz wanted to stay at a downtown hotel, and I agreed to split the bill with him, so we were set for the night. 

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