Tony's Hiking Adventure

Guernsey Creek Campsite

Miles Hiked 74.8
Elevation 9,895 feet
Miles Hiked Today 14.8

Just a little cold this morning. I got a chance to test out my new 15° sleeping bag, and it was fine; although the temperature was not close to the temperature rating of the bag.

I got going at 7:30 and it was mostly an easy downhill to flat hike until mid morning when the trail went up about a 1,000 feet. I hate going up, but what can you do?

The goal for the day was to catch up with a schedule I had made. The plan is to get to Breckenridge by Friday. So far I’m close to my schedule.

There were some nice open field walks on this day. Personally I prefer forest, but the change breaks up the monotony.

At mile 71.7, Kenosha Pass, I walked into a little Trail magic. Caveman (trail name) was passing out cold drinks and I grabbed one, of course. Also there were three hikers I met a few days before, Snackpack, Dude and Squirrel. Nice guys.

I wanted to go into the town of Jefferson but only if I could get a room for the night. I had no cell reception so I couldn’t call in. I decided to go on.

I reached Guernsey Creek about 4 PM. Snackpack and crew were there. They were going another 3 miles and I could have done it, but the campsite at the creek really looked awesome, so that is where I’m spending the night.

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