Tony's Hiking Adventure

A Long Day

Miles Hiked 151.0
Elevation 11,453
Miles Hiked Today 18.6

The day started at 7 AM when I left the campsite. While there were some pretty big up and downs, especially at the end of the day, the day also had some flat trail walks. The below video will give you an idea.

While the morning was quite cold, the afternoon warmed up nicely. I kept leap frogging other hikers again as I was making really good time.

I started to think about where to camp for the night. I had not planned to do a lot of miles, but it was clear I could make a campsite that was right on a lake. There was an elevation gain of about 1,000 feet to get to it. Even so, I decided to go.

I reached the lake around 6 PM and picked a nice tent site close to the water. Nice!

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