Tony's Hiking Adventure

Colorado Trail High Point

Miles Hiked 380.6
Elevation 12,218 feet
Miles Hiked Today 13.5

I was off by 7:30 AM. It was cloudy and looked like rain, but nothing happened at least in the morning.

The trail is still going up and today it hit the highest elevation on the entire Colorado Trail.

Highest point on the trail.

Most of the day was pretty routine. I thought these off-road vehicles going up a steep trail was interesting.

OHV’s meeting before taking off on a steep climb.
OHV’s going up.

Just after I saw the off-road vehicles, the rain started and lasted about 20 minutes. So now I’m soaked along with my clothes and shoes. Even worse, the trail is muddy and slippery. Ugh!

My target for today was to get to a lake where there was supposed to be good camping. I arrived a little after 4 PM and setup my tent. After dinner it rained. That means another wet tent to put away tomorrow.


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