Tony's Hiking Adventure

Cow Standoff

Miles Hiked 282.4 
Elevation 11,634 feet 
Miles Hiked Today 15.6

It rained last night and my tent is soaked.  Nothing is worse than taking down and stowing in my backpack a wet tent.  It actually weighs more wet.  Anyway, there was no way around it, so I was off at 7 AM wet tent and all.

It seems like a major portion of the day was going up. The fact that the day ended at the elevation it did is testimony to the fact. Nothing interesting really happened until the end of the day.

First, there was a standoff with some cows. One in particular stood right on the trail and stared at me as if to say, “Go ahead and make my day.” I was forced off the trail and bushwhacked around the herd.

Then I miscalculated about how far the next water source is. That forced me to get water from a small pond where the cows drink. If I get violently ill tonight, I’ll know my filter doesn’t work so good.

I finished the day setting up camp at the edge of the cow pasture. Tomorrow will be an interesting day. Water is scarce on this part of the trail and all I have is a liter to get me to the next water source, which is about ten miles away.

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