Tony's Hiking Adventure

Mt. Princeton Hot Springs, CO

Miles Hiked 232.6 
Elevation 8,428 feet 
Miles Hiked Today 13.7

The campsite the night before filled quickly, and the next morning everyone got going early.  Hot Springs was the target.  This is a resort town with the main attraction being the warm spring waters.

I was almost the last to leave camp with only one other tent still up.  I was on the way by 7 AM.  I’ve been having trouble with my right shoe.  The insole compressed and now the top of the shoe hits the bottom of my ankle.  So I performed a little shoe surgery, and I had to sacrifice my second hip belt foam cushion.  I put it into my shoe to raise my foot so my ankle doesn’t get hit.  New insoles are on the way and hopefully that will solve the problem.

There was only one sustained elevation gain of 1,000 feet, so that was good.  One downside of the hike was a five mile road walk.  I didn’t mind it so much since no crazy drivers tried to run me over.

I made it into Hot Springs at 1 PM, which was a distance of 11 miles.  Some of the other hikers were going to spend $20 to gain spa privileges.  I just wanted a couple of Gatorades and some pizza.

I hung around just eating and drinking in a grassy park across from the store for about 1 1/2 hours before I left.  The road walk continued.  About a mile from the trailhead, a guy in a truck offered a ride and I took it (subtract the mile from miles walked if you wish).

I had a decision to make. It was just after 3 PM. I could hike another 6.6 miles and arrive at a campsite around 7 PM, or walk .1 mile and go to a free camp ground. I chose the latter. There was no way I was going to make this a 20 mile day. And so here I am, alone in a campsite with picnic tables, tent pads and a privy. It’ll be interesting to see if anyone else makes it here tonight.

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