Tony's Hiking Adventure

On the Trail Again

Miles Hiked 367.1
Elevation 12,018 feet
Miles Hiked Today 9.3

After looking at the weather forecast, I seriously considered staying at the cabin in Lake City another day. Cold with a 90% chance of rain is not inspiring. I decided to go anyway.

Luck was with me this morning. I caught a ride just a little ways from the cabin. The father, mother and son took me all the way to the trailhead (17 miles) where I got off the trail two days before. It was 11:20 AM when I started hiking southbound.

The trail as usual was going up. My plan was to go about 10 miles. I have a motel reservation in Silverton for Thursday, and Silverton is only 50 miles away. If I put in many more miles than 10 for the next few days, I’ll arrive in Silverton early and probably without a room. So the next few days will be easy. It’s just as well, too. Rain is in the forecast for the next four days.

I arrived at my target location about 4 PM and started looking for a tent site. By 7 PM I had set up camp and eaten dinner. It did not rain at all when I was hiking, but it sure is now. Rats! I’ll be putting away a wet tent tomorrow.

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