Tony's Hiking Adventure

The Bivvi, Breckenridge, CO

Miles Hiked 104.1
Elevation 9,610 feet
Miles Hiked Today 12.9

Up and on the way by 7 PM. The day started with an 1,100 foot climb to 11,168 feet. Being well rested, I made really good time and hit the summit in just under two hours.

I haven’t had a cell signal in several days, so I tried my phone and was surprised by the strong signal. I received a text from my original hiking partner who was now a couple of days behind me. It was good to hear from him since our original plan was to stop together in Breckenridge and stay with his cousin. I had sent food provisioning to the cousin and had no way to contact him until the former partner sent me his phone number. So, now I had to get a hold of the cousin when I arrived in town.

And my sister texted me probably wondering if I fell off the side of a mountain since there had been no Guthook check ins or blog posts. We exchanged a few texts as I progressed down the trail.

Around 11 AM I decided it was time to make sure I had a place to stay tonight, so I found a place to sit. After searching Trip Advisor, I settled on The Bivvi. It’s a hostel that caters to skiers in season. Right now, the hikers have taken it over.

The search for a place to stay took almost an hour. I got back on the trail for the last miles into town. I hiked for a while with another hiker and then myself as I closed in on town. Finally, around 2 PM, I arrived at a bus stop for a free bus ride to Breckenridge.

The bus dropped me in the center of town, and then I walked about 15 minutes to arrive at the Bivvi. They couldn’t check me in yet, so I grabbed a cold PBR. I was surprised to see Snackpack, Squirrel and Dude (now Spruce Lee) here, so i sat with them and caught up.

It’s funny how fate works sometimes. The guys had to go to REI in Dillon to exchange a sleeping pad. That’s where my provision box is. I called the guy who had the box and he agreed to drop it at REI. That’s where the three S’s (Snackpack, Squirrel and Spruce Lee) picked it up. Wow! It was great how that worked. Thanks everyone.

When the three S’s returned we all went out to a pizza restaurant for dinner. Great pizza. They had a menu item called “Super Slice.” Snackpack ordered it. Check out the picture. When he saw it, he lost his appetite and only chewed through a small portion.

That was the day. A long one but enjoyable.

2 responses to “The Bivvi, Breckenridge, CO”

  1. Cammie Monroe says:

    You are in my ski town and where I used to hike before we bought at Wolf Laurel. I am seeing your pictures and I know the trail over to Copper well.

    • Tony Lombardi says:

      I got caught on a ridge in a hail and wind storm just before Copper Mountain resort. I went down to the lodge and got a room to recover from hypothermia. What a day! Check out my July 4 blog entry.

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