Tony's Hiking Adventure

Day 2 a Wet and Muddy Start

Miles Hiked 30.5
Elevation 8,400
Miles Hiked Today 17.1

Last night was certainly exciting.  It rained, thundered and lots of lightning.   What a show.  I was so proud of my site selection yesterday but not so much in the morning.  The nice, clear and flat land turned into a sand and mud puddle after the rain.  My tent kept me dry, but the outside was a wet and dirt mess.  That was fun packing up.

I was off by 7:45 with my heavy, wet tent packed away.  The trail was pretty easy, so I was going at a good pace.  Then I hit a hard mud slick while not using my trekking poles.  Down to my knees I went.  So now my pants are wet and muddy – perfect.

The trail started going up gradually, so it wasn’t all that hard of a hike.  Later in the morning, I came up to a trail detour.  I think it was last year that Arizona had the Magnum fire.  That closed the trail.  The detour was along the Navajo Trail, which added Miles to the day’s hike.

Mostly it was a nondescript day for scenery as I hiked.  Eventually the trail headed up over 8,000 feet.  I found a good campsite around 5 PM and setup to end the day.

Note:  My phone crashed in the Grand Canyon and I lost the pictures I took today.

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