Tony's Hiking Adventure

Beautiful Day on the Mountain

Azt Map Miles 369.8
Miles Hiked 359.5
Elevation 5,709 feet
Miles Hiked Today 13.9

Camp was closed and packed up by 6:30 AM.  Within an hour, I shed my coat and off I went on a nearly all day ascent.  With my pack getting lighter, climbing was not the pain it’s been on previous days.

It was a sunny day, and it really showed off the lower lands and the distant mountains.  Without the urgency to go faster and farther, it turned into a nice hike.

At the end of the day, I headed to the Brody Seep trail and camp.  On my way, I noticed a lot of footprints.  I figured there would be at best a few hikers there.  Wrong!  There was a trail maintenance crew in the camp.

While finding a tent site was not easy, I found one just the same.  The crew had a fire going after dinner so I joined them.  They had been working on the trail south of where I was.  Tomorrow I should be able to hike without the trail being overgrown.  Thanks guys!

The crew had a nurse, so I asked if she would look at a problem with my right leg.  About ten days ago, something happened while hiking.  It hasn’t got worse and it hasn’t got better.  The leg is swollen, so she wrapped it with an Ace bandage.  Speculation is that I have a stress fracture.  She said it ought to be looked at first chance I get.  I’ll wait until I reach Globe in about five days.

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