Tony's Hiking Adventure

Leaving Flagstaff

Azt Map Miles 236.6
Miles Hiked 226.8
Elevation 7,208
Miles Hiked Today 16.9

I was packed up and ready to go at 8 AM.  Scott and his girl friend picked me up and we headed to Macy’s Coffee Shop for breakfast.  Macy’s seemed to be a popular spot, and they did a very brisk business.

After breakfast, we went back to Scott’s motel, which was close to the trail.  I headed for the trail while Scott went to his room to pack up and head for the trail, too.

I had a little trouble finding the trail, but once I was on it, I took off.  My backpack was very heavy with the provisions I picked up in Flagstaff.   The weight slowed me down significantly.

The hiking was mostly through open pasture.  I was expecting Scott to overtake me, but he never did.  Maybe I’ll see him when I make camp.

I decided to head for a closed campground – Lakeview Campground, which overlooks Lake Mary.  Even though it’s closed,, the campsites are still usable.  When I got to the campground junction, it said go .6 of a mile further.  No thanks.  I kept hiking on the AZT for another 10 minutes until I could find a viable campsite.  I setup and then ate dinner.  It was promising to be another cold night, so I jumped into my sleeping bag early.

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