Tony's Hiking Adventure

Lost and Found on the AZT

Miles Hiked 150.7
Elevation 6,473
Miles Hiked Today 19.8

No more rain this morning and the sun was rising.  That’s a good sign.  I ate the last of my oatmeal and was on my way at 7:15.  As usual, it was very cool in the morning, but things warmed up as the morning progressed.  The trail terrain was mostly flat, which made for fast hiking.

Mid morning I was hiking along and saw a nice pair of mittens in the trail at mile 134.5.  I picked them up thinking I would post on Facebook to see if the owner was there looking for the mittens.  A half hour later, here comes a guy down the trail with no backpack.  He introduced himself and asked if I had seen any black mittens.  That was easy.  We walked to where his wife and backpack were waiting, and then they were off down the trail.

Most of the rest of the day was on flat ground, so I was able to do .2 mile shy of 20 miles.  Picking a good campsite was another issue altogether. Rocks are everywhere.  Finally, I selected the least rocky ground and setup.  I’m out in the open, which I don’t like, but there wasn’t much to choose from.

While the hiking was on flat terrain, there were some big mountains in the distance. One had snow.

Water was scarce today.  I’m down to a liter with the next available water nearly nine miles away.  It’ll be a thirsty nine miles.

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