Tony's Hiking Adventure

On to the Grand Canyon South Rim

Grand Canyon View - South Rim
Grand Canyon View - South Rim

Miles Hiked 99.1
Elevation 7,021
Miles Hiked Today 8.8

I was up at 4:30 for the hike up the canyon.  This time I ate breakfast so there were no more hypoglycemic events like yesterday.  I left at 6 AM.  The first part of the trail was relatively flat to slightly rising.  I kept in the shade, so that kept me from overheating.  By mid morning I was going up and it was steep.  I thought I would be huffing and puffing, but no, I kept a slow steady pace.  There were 5,000 feet of elevation gain to be covered, nevertheless.  The fact that I seemed to be doing okay was a source of relief.

The further up I went, the cooler it got.  Also, most of the trail was in the shade that part of the day.  There were some spectacular views going up, and I cursed my phone for dieing when it did.

I made excellent time (for me) and reached the south rim at 12:30 PM.  Shuttle busses run all through the village, and I took one to Mather Campground to get a campsite.

Once my tent was setup, I grabbed my dirty clothes and headed for the laundry and showers.  Man, I can’t tell you how good it feels to take a shower and put on clean clothes after a week.

I made it across the Grand Canyon.  Tomorrow I try to get my phone fixed and then head south again.  Hard to say which is more daunting.  Next stop is Flagstaff.

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