Tony's Hiking Adventure

The Big Climbs Start

Azt Map Miles 355.9
Miles Hiked 345.6
Elevation 5,190 feet
Miles Hiked Today 10.3

I packed up and left by 7 AM.  I’m completely out of water, so I’m heading to Whiterock Springs, which is only .2 mile away.  After getting 2 liters of water at the spring, I started down the trail.

The first couple of hours were relatively easy, but then the trail starts going up.  It went from 3.300 feet at the lowest point to 5,190 feet where I’m camped.  That’s almost a 2,000 foot elevation gain.  That wore me out, which is why I stopped at 10 miles today.  There will be more climbing tomorrow – over 1,500 feet.  UGH!

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