Tony's Hiking Adventure

The Four Peaks Wilderness

AZT Map Miles 425.0
Miles Hiked 414.7
Elevation 5,584 feet
Miles Hiked Today 14.0

Up and on the trail by 7:10 AM.  The trail was going up but it was on an ATV road.  There were very few rocks and the road was not overgrown with vegetation.

I was able to maintain a 2 MPH pace, which was great.  By 11 AM I had done 8 miles.  However, all good things must end.  The trail turned onto a more primitive path.  Then I entered Four Peaks Wilderness.  The trail narrowed considerably until it was one to one and one-half feet wide.  It was overgrown with brush that can trip you and other brush that I had to push through to continue.  And of course if something were to trip me and I fell, nothing would stop the fall for about a 1,000 feet.  Needless to say, I slowed way down to 1 MPH.

The reduced pace made my intended target unreachable.  So at 3:30 I started looking for a campsite.  I found one at a little after 4 PM.  It was not ideal for a tent, but it will do.

Tomorrow I continue my push through the Four Peaks Wilderness.  I was suppose to arrive in Globe tomorrow, but now it seems it will be Sunday.

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