Tony's Hiking Adventure

Afternoon Surprise Climb

AZT Map Miles 567.6
Miles Hiked 557.3
Elevation 3,924 feet
Miles Hiked Today 14.3

I didn’t check my navigation app before starting this morning.  The hike started out relatively easy with some extended level trail hiking.  So, imagine my surprise when the trail abruptly started going up and continued to go up the rest of the afternoon – over 1,800 feet elevation gain.

Before the climb started, I took an extended lunch to find a place in Oracle to stay.  It’s a small town with not many choices.  I did find an RV on Air BnB that was for rent.  I’ll be there Sunday.  This should be interesting.

Despite the long lunch break, I still managed a fair distance today.  I’m now 17 miles from Oracle, so slowing down is good.  Tomorrow is Saturday, and I need to spend one more night camping.

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