AZT Map Miles 661.4
Miles Hiked 651.1
Elevation 3,553 feet
Miles Hiked Today 15.2
The Grass Shack Campground turned out to be quiet and not as cold as some of my more recent campsites. I took my time leaving and was on the trail at 7:30. I had no target destination. Only that I wanted to do at least 15 miles.

Like last week, I was approaching my resupply town, Vail, on a Sunday. I had not wanted to take a day off since I’m so close to finishing. Unfortunately, if I want to eat this last week, I’ll have to find a place to stay. So, Sunday night I’ll be staying at the Hampton Suites in Tucson. This will be a logistical nightmare. First, I have to figure out how to get there. Then Monday, I have to get to Vail to pickup my package at the post office. Finally, I have to get back to the trail. UGH!
Today, I finished my descent from Rincon Mountain, which I climbed the day before. The trail then flattened out. I came to a known water source, but it was loaded with algea. All I could think about was “toxins” from the algea. Even though I was almost out of water, I passed on it.

Towards the end of the day there was a liter of water left at a dirt road by a trail angel, which helped. My campsite for the night ended up being the LA Selvilla picnic area with potable water, restrooms and great places to setup a tent. As a matter of fact, it is better than where I stayed last night.

For awhile I thought I would be the only hiker here, but SP (trail name) came in and setup camp. We talked for a bit before we both split and got into our tents. Tomorrow, a hotel for laundry, a shower and sleep in a real bed. YEAH!