Tony's Hiking Adventure

Prelude to the PCT – Scout & Frodo’s

Hiker tents setup in Scout and Frodo's backyard.
Hiker tents setup in Scout and Frodo's backyard.

It’s two years after my first intended start of a Pacific Crest Trail hike. The first attempt was stopped before it started. The beginning of the Coronavirus virus Pandemic was a few months past when my start date arrived. The world was in the process of shutting down and my hike was aborted.

So here I am today at Scout (Barney Mann) and Frodo’s (Sandie Mann) house. That’s their trail names, by the way. They are well known, even famous, trail angels who host hikers at their house in San Diego. Twenty hikers or more congregate a day or two before they head to the Pacific Crest Trail southern terminus at the US/Mexican border in Campo, California. The hikers make last minute preparations and enjoy the camaraderie of the other hikers before heading to the trail. Almost all have the intent of through hiking the PCT.

The mix of hikers ranges from the low 20’s to me. I’m the oldest. This group is smaller than usual. There are only twelve hikers and at least half of them are foreign. These foreign hikers had to apply for a six month visa in order to be admitted into the country. That should be enough time to finish the trail.

The day for me was relaxing. While most everyone was scurrying around with last minute tasks, I was ready to go. The culmination of the day was a group dinner, which we all chipped in to help prepare. A woman from Europe and I were charged with helping make the chicken main course. Fortunately, no one got sick, so I felt good about my effort. Below are pictures of the dinner table and the hikers gathered for one last dinner before the start the 2,600 mile trail.

The night before we hit the trail, Scout and Frodo put on a nice dinner. Here is the menue
The night before we hit the trail, Scout and Frodo put on a nice dinner. Here is the menue

Finally, dinner is served.

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