Tony's Hiking Adventure

Paradise Valley Café and Beyond

PCT Map Miles 161.9
Miles Hiked 110.2
Elevation 6,778 feet
Miles Hiked Today 11.1

Today is Paradise Valley Cafe day.  Since it opens at 8 AM, I’m in no rush.  I’m camped about a 15 minute walk from the restaurant.  I break down my camp and on the way by 7:30.  I arrive ten minutes before PVC opens, so I take that time to throw away my garbage and look around.

Finally, it opens and I’m first in the door.  The proprietor got smart some time ago and came up with a hiker menu.  Everything on the menu is large portion.  I ordered this huge, three egg omelet with just about everything you can think of in it.  Then there was hash brown potatoes and biscuits and gravy.  I thought to myself, “I’ll never eat all of this.”  Wrong!  I scarfed it up.  I just didn’t realize how hungry I was.   It’s called hiker hunger

I hung there until 10:30 charging my phone and battery pack and drinking tea.  Every seat in the place was full.  A couple of girls sat with me, too.  There are no strangers among hikers.  Finally, it was time to go.

I caught a ride to the trailhead and I was off.  The trail began its climb towards 9,000 and San Jacinto.  It was a brutal climb but uneventful.  I was ready to camp by 5 PM and call it a day.  I decided not to fix a freeze dried meal for dinner in light of the massive breakfast I had.  Also, water was scarce on the climb up, so I decided to conserve.  Tomorrow would be another day of climbing.  I am not looking forward to it.


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