PCT Map Miles 375.8
Miles Hiked 313.6
Elevation 7,805 feet
Miles Hiked Today 6.4
My cold is not better. I took some cold medicine last night, and it really knocked me out. This morning I was still coughing and wheezing. Doesn’t make a difference. Mount Baden-Powell is waiting.
The lady who owns the cabin where Mike and I stayed gave us a ride to the trailhead. By 10:30 we were hiking. The plan was to go a little over 6 miles and stop to camp. This would enable us to go over the summit while the snow was still hard the next morning.
Steve Kevin joined us on the 1,500 foot climb up the mountain. It was going to be three of us making the summit tomorrow. A little before 3 PM, we reached our intended campsite. Tomorrow early we head for the summit.