Tony's Hiking Adventure

Golden Oaks Spring

PCT Map Miles 583.3
Miles Hiked 523.0
Elevation 5,488 feet
Miles Hiked Today 12.3

I was up and packing gear away at 4 AM.  At 5 AM I was hiking.  It was pleasantly cool as I started out. The climb yesterday continued much to my chagrin.  I was hoping to do about 15 miles, but that went by the wayside as the morning progressed.  It turned hot when the sun came up, and I was short on water.

I took multiple rest stops as the day continued to heat up.  My new target was just to get to water.  Around noon I came upon an unmarked spring and filled up.  I drank two liters right away and drank another on the way to Golden Oaks Spring.  I arrived at 1 PM and promptly declared this is where I camp tonight.  I got more water and drank another two liters.  After that, it was siesta time.

By the way, I’m not the only crazy hiker on the trail.  I passed one this morning as he slept.  Later, he caught up with me at the unmarked spring.  He also joined me at Golden Oaks Spring.  I found out he is from Slovakia.  He stayed awhile and then left at 5 PM to do some night hiking.

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