Tony's Hiking Adventure

Finally!  Snoqualmie Pass

PCT Map Miles 259.1
Miles Hiked 131.4
Elevation 3,028 feet
Miles Hiked Today 6.8

When I woke up this morning, my sleeping bag was damp and it was cold.  I packed up while inside the tent, so I didn’t have a look outside right away.  When I did exit the tent to take it down, I was surprised to see a heavy fog.  It wouldn’t hinder my hike, but the damp, chilly air was certainly a change from previous days.

I got underway a little after 6:30 AM.  I was hoping for a fast and easy hike to town, but it was not to be.  The trail started going up again on more rocks.  Ugh!

About halfway, the trail went into the forest and the terrain became easier to hike.  There were a lot of day hikers on the trail the nearer I got to town.

Finally, just after 11 AM, I came up to the Snoqualmie Pass trailhead.  From there it was a ten minute walk to the Washington Alpine Club hostel.  I checked in and the host, Beth, made me a couple of hot dogs for which I was most appreciative.  Mya, Lauren and Jack were there, too.  They came in at 7 PM the night before.  That was a remarkable display of perseverance on their part to hike the 21 miles on very difficult terrain.

Jack on the left, me third from the left, Mya and Lauren. Sorry, I don’t know the names of the other two, but the hiker on the far right should have the trail name “Plumber.” He fixed one of the toilets.

Tonight, the hostel has a spaghetti dinner and I’m looking forward to it.


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