Tony's Hiking Adventure

First Full Day from Stevens Pass

PCT Map Miles 206.0
Miles Hiked 78.3
Elevation 5,098 feet
Miles Hiked Today 13.3

Before Meander dropped us off at Stevens Pass yesterday, he said the section we would be hiking was as hard or harder than hiking the Sierra Nevada in California. I  should have listened.

Today’s hike about killed me.  There were three monster climbs totaling 3,200 feet in ascent.  About the time I would catch my breath, the trail would go up again.  Mya and her daughter were leap frogging with me on the trail and they agreed.

During today’s hike, I got my first glimpse of Mount Rainier in the distance.  It’s snow covered peak stood out among the other nearby mountains.  It was an extraordinary sight.

At 3:00 PM Mya said she was not going any further than the next campsite and I, exhausted as I was, decided to join them.

Tomorrow there is one 1,300 foot ascent and the rest is down or level.  I’m looking forward to the change.


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