Tony's Hiking Adventure

Possibly the Hardest Hike Ever

PCT Map Miles 252.3
Miles Hiked 124.6
Elevation 5,390 feet
Miles Hiked Today 14.3
July 24, 2024

The day started out with Jack and me hitting the trail about 6:45 AM.  The first thing that we came up to was a stream crossing.  The bridge was out and we would have to ford the stream.  I wasn’t too thrilled with getting wet this early in the day but the bridge was out and there was no other way.  Jack went first and then I followed.  Just as I was starting out, I  slipped in the water and lost one of my trekking poles.  This has happened before and I guess I just don’t learn my lesson.  I usually have the wrist strap on, but I didn’t this time.  Jack went down stream to try to find the pole and I finished the crossing.  To my surprise Jack found the pole.  That was nothing short of a miracle in the raging stream.  I was so happy that he found it I hugged him.  Kind of embarrassing but it just got away from me.  That pole not only provides stabilization while on the trail, but it also holds up my tent, so that was a big deal finding the pole.

After the celebration, we headed down the trail.  I kept up with Jack for a while even though he’s faster than me.  However I let him go and got off the trail to find a place to dig a hole.  While occupied, Mya and her daughter passed by.  So now I was behind all three of them. My Far Out application indicated that there was a total elevation gain of over 3,000 feet. That was going to be a tough one for me to do and keep up a decent pace.

As the day progressed, I hit the elevation gain and started climbing.  Most of the trail today was filled with skree (rocks), and that made it tough to walk.  My ankles were rolling and twisting and slipping on the rocks as I went up in elevation.  I even fell several times.  It was not a good day.

Mya and Jack we’re trying to go 21 miles so they could get into town, but I told them this morning in camp there was no way I could do that.  Turns out I was right.  About 5:00 I started looking for a campsite.  I came up with a really nice one in a small meadow right on the trail.  And there were two guys here who had packed in beer and they offered me one.  Now that’s the way to finish the day.  I ate my noodles for dinner since I’m out of Mountain House food and that’s all until tomorrow

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