Tony's Hiking Adventure

Up and Down on the PCT

PCT Map Miles 2651.6
Miles Hiked 26.9
Elevation 5,463 feet
Miles Hiked Today 13.3

Last night, I had the campsite to myself.  That’s always good.  No disturbances or over talkative hikers with which to deal.  This morning I was up at 5:00 AM but I took my time breaking camp and didn’t leave until 6:45.

Today, I felt like a yo-yo.  The trail went up then down then up etc.  This did not help my pace at all.  In fact, my pace was just a little over 1 mph.  Pretty pathetic.  Once I get my trail legs that should change, but right now, it’s disheartening.

Toward the end of the day, the trail flattened out, so I sped up trying to make miles.  That didn’t work out too well.  My left foot (the one without a tendon) hit a small tree stump and down I went.  Fortunately, I went down squarely on the trail rather than going over the side.  Aside from a little pain in my foot, I was fine.  I put my backpack on and continued hiking.  I got to the tentsite just before 5:00 PM.  There are two other tents here and a couple of women just came in.  It’s going to be crowded tonight.


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