Tony's Hiking Adventure

Goat Rocks Wilderness

PCT Map Miles 378.9
Miles Hiked 251.7
Elevation 6,010 feet
Miles Hiked Today 11.1

I had no idea.

I packed and was on my way at 7:00 AM.  I had not checked my navigation app the night before to see what was in store for me.  This morning when I did look at it, I was greeted with a 2,500 foot elevation gain, which would start shortly after I began hiking.  While that much elevation gain is always difficult, I have done it before and even more.  However the number did not tell the whole story.

I had heard whisperings about Goat Rocks but nothing specific.  Today, I learned exactly what it’s all about.  The trail went up relentlessly past the tree line and into a rock strewn trail that was narrow and filled with loose stones and rocks.  At times the trail was no wider than the width of two shoes.  There were a few switchbacks, but even they were very steep.

Can you see the switchback path to the right of the snow? Going up very steep.

And there were the skree fields.  The loose rocks moved as I walked over them and there wasn’t any margin for error since the edge of the trail dropped down hundreds of feet.  And let’s not forget the snow crossings.  That’s right.  Snow on the trail at 7,000 feet.  If it gives away, down I go sliding uncontrollably.

This is the easiest of the snow fields I crossed.

I kept thinking, “I don’t want to die like this.”  If you think I’m being dramatic, come to Washington and hike the Goat Rocks Wilderness.  Me?  I won’t do that again.

As I descended from over 7,000 feet, I felt safe again.  However, I was worn out.  The extreme angle of ascent, the trail condition and the hours it took for me to get over the top wore me out.  I decided to call it a day early and setup camp at 4:30 PM.

Tomorrow, has another 2,000 foot elevation gain on the agenda.  I doubt it will be anything like Goat Rocks.

Loose rocks and stones.

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