Miles Hiked 297.4
Elevation 10,600 feet
Miles Hiked Today 15.0
It rained again last night, so that means another wet tent to put away. Due to the scarcity of water, I skipped my oat meal breakfast and was on the way by 6:40 AM.
Water is a problem. I have about a liter and it’s ten miles to the next available water. Water rationing will be the plan until then.
The trail had no big ups and downs, but a lot of little ones that totaled over 3,000 feet in total elevation gain for the day. Most of the day was spent above 11,000 feet in altitude. Trying to catch my breath was difficult at this altitude and it really slowed me down.
Nothing really significant occurred during the day’s hike and I set up camp by 5:30 PM.